Friday, 25 September 2015


To compound the news that no bagpipes are to be allowed into RWC 2015 stadia, the RFU has now announced that no fancy dress is to be allowed into the London Sevens at the end of the season. What, no middle age men dressed as dwarves, milkmaids or super heroes? What the Nanny State fails to appreciate is that it is not being dressed as a chicken that makes rugby fans drink all day at a rugby event and fall in someone's garden, so upsetting local residents. It is more to do with the fact that booze is available from supermarkets at next to nothing from 0800hrs in the morning, so pre-loading is prevalent amongst the young (they can't afford to buy beer at pub prices all day), and the fact that there are inadequate toilet facilities outside the ground, so a garden bush is the best alternative.

Image result for rugby fancy dress
The RFU on a teambuilding day
The RFU also claim they want to make the sport and the London Sevens more family friendly, well I have fathered (at least) two teenage boys, and when they were 6-11 years old, the prospect of watching rugby with Mum & Dad all day was far more appealing if they were allowed to dress up as Batman, Snow White or a Minion. Also, seeing Dad joining in the fun, dressed as a woman is part of a child's shame on you RWC 2015 and RFU for restricting the dress code, plus reducing match day drinking hours, and not allowing fans to drink in Twickenham town centre after 2230hrs  And as for bagpipes...give us a break, most pipes are played by young laddies trying to fund their journey home. But then old gits who run the sport we love don't appreciate that ... enough, rant over!
Image result for young boy bagpipes

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